National News

When Modi performed Swag se Swagat: Celebrating 20 Years of Gujarat’s Unmatched Problem-Solving Programme

On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will commemorate the 20th anniversary of a grievance redressal scheme for Gujaratis that he devised and inaugurated as chief minister exactly 20 years ago. Swagat, a one-of-a-kind project, assisted him in establishing direct contact with the people and resolving their concerns.

The plan, which he ran for about 11 years, essentially helped Narendra Modi build the “Gujarat Model of Governance” template that finally propelled him to the top office in New Delhi.

The Gujarat Grievance Cell, established in 1998, was yet another government platform that promised to operate as a central point that files people’s complaints, transmits them to the appropriate government agencies, gives reminders, and reports on the grievance resolution rate to the chief minister.

But it wasn’t until April 24, 2003, that Modi, the then-chief minister of Gujarat, decided to take control of the initiative. He directed that technology be used to fix tiny problems that were major roadblocks in people’s lives. It bridged the distance that existed between the state government, the people, and their standard of living. 

On Thursday, PM Modi will meet with plan beneficiaries to commemorate the initiative’s two-decade anniversary. The Prime Minister will take part in the festivities online.

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