
Top 5 scariest movies of all time

Horror, the one particular genre that has a feeling of excitement of full shock, thrill, and dread rather than just a nagging fear. With all this, horror movies are the best source of amusement for many people. Although Halloween is the ideal time to scare yourself, some people like to enjoy horror movies all year. Here we have the list of top 5 scariest movies of all-time.

1. The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist, based on the true reflection of a 12-year-old girl who underwent an exorcism sanctioned by the Catholic Church, is regarded as one of the best horror movies ever made. If Indeed the Exorcist can still make people cringe when they think about it decades later, there is undoubtedly something possessive about this movie, according to Esquire.

Even some Americans believe it to be the best genre movie ever made. The Exorcist is regarded as the most frightful movie ever made, according to a new poll of 2,000 American adults commissioned by the video streaming site Vudu.

2. The Conjuring (2013)

The supernatural horror subgenre was revived by The Conjuring. With a $20 million production budget, as of 2021, this picture had earned more than $319 million globally. It gave rise to a franchise that currently numbers eight films (and counting). What made The Conjuring such a cult favourite right away? And why does it show up on RT’s list of the scariest horror films ever?

One thing is for sure: this movie offers everything you need. We have a wonderful family, a home with an enigmatic background, and a very evil force.

3. Halloween (1978)

Halloween is one of the best terrifying slasher films that has ever kept audiences up at night. Even though it might simply be a mad individual wearing a white mask, that was enough to hold audiences’ attention for years.

“Forget about all the masked would like to have tobes and knife-wielding suburban loonies that came after, and marvel at the focused presence of Carpenter’s masked villain Michael Myers, who is as skilled a killer as the shark in Jaws: the gliding camera, the concealing shadows, and the focused presence of Carpenter’s film.

4. The Shining (1980)

There’s a reason why The Shining is a classic. A distressed author checks into an eerie hotel, where he quickly finds himself in the horrible scenes of a psychologically perplexing story.

“Director Stanley Kubrick not only distorts the senses with special effects and imagery (even if you haven’t seen the film, you know the corridor of plasma nightmares), but he also spins a tale so layered with symbolism that it’s still dissected today and so warped in perception that by the time it’s over, you—like our dull boy—have gone completely insane,”

5. It Follows (2014)

The most recent edition on the list of the top horror movies among critics is It Follows. The figurative narrative guides you through several viewpoints of being tormented by a creature that can change its form. It sounds like fun.

This felt unique to anything else released on the American horror market in 2014, officially starting the period of what is now referred as “elevated horror.” Whatever you want to call it, It Follows is still a memorable genre film, according to Vulture.

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2 thoughts on “Top 5 scariest movies of all time

  • Ashish Singh

    These movie are best to watch ever..

  • Pravesh Kumari



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